Thrill Experiences is committed to your satisfaction and offers a refund policy under certain conditions. If you wish to request a refund on vouchers, please ensure you do the following:
- Submit a written request within 28 days of the original purchase date.
- Return the original voucher intact at your own expense, ensuring it is received by Thrill Experiences within the same 28-day window.
Please note that Thrill Experiences reserves the right to deduct a 10% administrative fee, or a minimum of $30, from the refund amount for Change of Mind Refunds. Refunds will be processed within 30 days once we have agreed to the refund request with the purchaser.
However, we are unable to offer refunds for experiences that have been booked (redeemed), instant bookings, dollar value certificates, gift cards, gift boxes, or direct ship items (physical products shipped immediately).