Looking to place an Order?
- What does the gift pack look like?
- How long will I have until the experience voucher must be used?
- How long will it take for my order to arrive?
- Where can I find the availability of an experience?
- How does it work?
- Can I send an Instant Booking as a gift?
- How do I place an order?
- I've got the personal message wrong on my order. Can I update it?
- I need to receive the voucher very quickly - help?
- Can I use a dollar value gift card together with a discount or promotional code?
- What is an Instant Booking?
- What is your refund policy?
- I want a refund, but I bought my voucher more than 28 days ago
- I'm having trouble logging into My Account - help?
- Can I hold a booking place before I complete a purchase?
- Do I need personal insurance to take an experience?
- How do I get a refund for physical items like a hamper?
- Will the gift pack fit into a letterbox?
- Does the packaging contain anything that gives away the content?
- Do you deliver outside Australia?